SIRCO Controls Limited manufacture both Portable and Fixed Site Samplers that are Compliant to E32 (Specification for automatic sampling equipment for the UWWTR), and Mcerts (the Environment Agency’s Monitoring Certification Scheme).
The GENIE-B/UWWTR portable sampler is supplied with a 5 litre composite container in a fully insulated base section and can be battery or mains operated.
The total weight of the sampler when fully assembled is less than 25 kgs, with the sampler unit & base section each weighing less than 15 kgs when separated.
The GENIE-J/UWWTR portable sampler is also supplied with a 5 litre composite container in a fully insulated base section and can be battery or mains operated.
The total weight of the sampler when fully assembled is also less than 25 kgs, with the sampler unit & base section each weighing less than 15 kgs when separated.
The main advantage of the GENIE-J version of our UWWTR Portable Samplers is its height, which is only 900 mm in comparison to the 1060mm height of the GENIE-B/UWWTR.
The GENIE-M/UWWTR, is a fully weatherproofed fixed site sampler, supplied complete with a 10 litre sample container in a temperature controlled compartment. This is a mains operated sampler, but can be fitted with battery back up for the sampling system in the event of a mains power failure.
All of Sirco’s UWWTR samplers are fully compliant to E32 and Mcerts, and tests have proven that at an Ambient Temperature of 20 ºC the Average Sample Temperature is around 1.5 °C, logged over a 48-hour period.
Further details on both the UWWTR and Mcerts Approved Samplers can be found in our Sampler Catalogue page by clicking here.